Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Week 4- World Lit

Monday- We began presentations and wrote a high school writing test practice essay.
Tuesday-Students had a second chance to finalize projects
Wednesday- Presentations
Thursday- Background material on "A Thousand Splendid Suns"
Friday- Begin reading A Thousand Splendid Suns

Week 4- AP Lang

A Day
Tuesday-We worked on a voice lesson and conferences/got feedback on Eat, Pray, Love essays
Thursday-We are writing the summer reading summative essays in class.

B Day
Monday- We had a vocab quiz, Annotated Pitts' "Dumbing down America" article, and SOAPSTones and DIDLSed the first two pages of The Road. Through page 60 is due next Wednesday.
Wednesday-We worked on a voice lesson and conferences/got feedback on Eat, Pray, Love essays
Friday-We are writing the summer reading summative essays in class.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 3- World Lit

Monday- We read Book 24 of The Iliad and took notes as a class.
Tuesday- The summative group project for The Hero Unit was assigned and students had the opportunity to begin working in their groups.
Wednesday- We reviewed for the test on Friday
Thursday- Students worked in groups.
Friday- The Iliad/Hero Unit test

Week 3- AP LANG

A Days
Monday- We read and annotated an excerpt from Eat, Pray, Love and wrote an analytical paragraph discussing style's impact on meaning.
Wednesday- Analytical paragraphs were returned with feedback and students were to expand paragraph into an analytical essay. Students were to read excerpt from The Glass Castle for homework.
Friday- Students took vocab quiz 2, annotated "Dumbing Down America" and we discussed effective annotation. Students also saw an example analysis paragraph about excerpt from The Glass Castle. Students annotation (SOAPSTone and DIDLS) the first two pages of The Road by Cormac McCarthy.

B Days
Tuesday- We read and annotated an excerpt from Eat, Pray, Love and wrote an analytical paragraph discussing style's impact on meaning.
Thursday- Analytical paragraphs were returned with feedback and students were to expand paragraph into an analytical essay. Students were to read excerpt from The Glass Castle for homework.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 2-World Lit

World Lit
Monday: Epic Conventions and introduction to The Iliad and began reading Book 1 with guided notes.
Tuesday: Continued reading The Iliad in partners. Students were responsible for completing accompanying questions for Book 6.
Wednesday: Students continued reading The Iliad and completing questions.
Thursday: Continued reading The Iliad in partners. Students were responsible for completing accompanying questions for Book 22.
Friday: Applied the Hero's Journey archetype to other works of fiction

Week 2 AP Lang 8/11-8/15

A Days

Tuesday: We wrote group analysis paragraphs on Night. We then peer revised them and rewrote them. Students were then to read and DIDLS "Introductions" by David Sedaris
Thursday: We began class with a Vocab quiz,then we wrote group analysis paragraphs on "Introduction" by David Sedaris. We then peer revised them and rewrote them. Students were then to read and DIDLS an excerpt from Eat, Pray, Love.

B Days
Monday: We finished the song tone shift assignment and discussed the difference between changing tone and changing meaning. We then discussed tone versus style.Students finished up class by DIDLS-ing an excerpt from Night.
Wednesday: We wrote group analysis paragraphs on Night. We then peer revised them and rewrote them. Students were then to read and DIDLS "Introductions" by David Sedaris
Friday: We began class with a Vocab quiz,then we wrote group analysis paragraphs on "Introduction" by David Sedaris. We then peer revised them and rewrote them. Students were then to read and DIDLS an excerpt from Eat, Pray, Love.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Week of August 4 WEEK ONE World Lit

Monday- Introduction to class, began lit terms power point.
Tuesday- Finished lit terms power point, read an article about the historical background of "The Iliad" and discussed it with partners.
Wednesday- Discussed heros, read "The Life and Times of Hercules" and answered discussion questions with a partner, took notes about archetypes
Thursday- Finished archetyps notes, worked in groups to create a poster representing different characters from "The Iliad," an e-mail to me was due at midnight so that I could add you to my Google+ circle
Friday- Completed the character list for "The Iliad," played "Who's Who of 'The Iliad'" BINGO.

Week of August 4- WEEK 1 AP LANG


Monday- Introduction to class, 6 word memoir
Wedsnesday- Voice lessons warm up, completed a SOAPSTone and DIDSL for two pieces telling about Stephen King's car accident and compared in terms of tone, manipulated the words from a favorite song to change the tone.
Friday- Finished the song lyric assignment, discussed difference between tone and style, and completed a DIDSL for an excerpt from Night, compared King's and Wiesel's style and tone.


Tuesday- Introduction to class, 6 word memoir
Thursday- Voice lessons warm up, completed a SOAPSTone and DIDSL for two pieces telling about Stephen King's car accident and compared in terms of tone, manipulated the words from a favorite song to change the tone.