Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Unit One Study Guide Test on Thursday- Honors World

Unit One Test- Heroes and The Alchemist
The Alchemist
-Major ideas in the text
-Identify archetypes and Santiago’s Hero’s Journey
Annotated Bibliography
-Parts of the annotated bibliography (Summary, Analysis, Citation)
-Basic Format
-Be able to identify parts in a sample annotated bibliography
                -Types of paragraphs (Be able to identify in a “cold-read” text)
               -Types of sentences in body paragraph (Be able to identify in a “cold-read” text)
-Be able to “cold-read” a text (read a text for the first time) and pick up on details and what the details infer about a character
-Analyze how details work to communicate an author’s purpose
-Character archetypes (be able to answer questions about each archetype as well as identify a type pf character from a “cold read”)
-Types of Heroes (be able to answer questions about each type as well as identify a type pf character from a “cold read”)

-Be able to map out hero’s journey from a “cold-read” text

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